It’s time to get serious about online marketing

In Flying Solo’s recent survey, you told us online marketing strategies such as websites and social networking were among the top ways to find new clients. Yet only 53% of us soloists have a website we’re happy with.

Delving deeper it turns out that of the soloists who had a website, only 40% had done search engine optimisation (SEO) and less than 18% felt confident that SEO was working for them.

Over at we can help start the digital ball rolling.

Are you one of the 31% of soloists without a website?
Visit our business websites section and get advice on Mistakes to avoid when creating your website.

Do you have a website that you’re not happy with?
Try Melissa Norfolk’s article called Tips for a better website.

Are you happy with your website but want more traffic?
Visit our search engine optimisation (SEO) and online marketing section for tips and advice.

Are you thinking of taking the step into blogging?
Head to our small business blogs section and check out Can a blog help your solo business?

Don’t fear. Despite rapid developments online in recent years, the internet is still a reasonably level playing field where smart, nimble and fast-learning soloists can outwit bigger competition.

There’s no doubt online marketing works. But, only if you work at it.

What’s your secret wwweapon?

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